Monday, May 30, 2005


I am returning to Livejournal. This blog was just too distant--no one reads it. It is too bothersome to update. My username is Leftnutsicle. Thanks for everything, guys.

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Hardcore Soldiers. Caleb. Leander. Myself.
My wonderful date Jessica. Myself. The ever-charming Ali.
Pizimps of the Prizom.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Happiest Years of Your Life.

Busy days are approaching for Patrick Greene. In the oh-so-short period of time between now and graduation on May 20th, I have all of these different things in my life:
  • Senior Prom - Tomorrow! This will be amazing, gare-on-teed. All attendees of the prom should be on the lookout for a breathtakingly gorgeous blonde female decked out in light green. Her name is Jessica Taylor. She is with me. Be jealous.
  • Trouveres Performances - Saturday, April 30th [...groan...]
  • A full week of school?! I haven't had one of these in... a very long time. Good news is, IT IS MY LAST ONE EVER.
  • Sweets and Songs - Saturday, May 7th - This will be good. You are all encouraged to attend. You will be treated to delightful entertainment courtesy of the Lee High Choral Department, and a splendid desert sampling during intermission. Definitely worth the price of admission. E-mail me for details, if you like.
  • Senior Exams - May 9th-12th - Yikes. My reserved seat in the first row at graduation (also known as me remaining in the Top 20) hinges upon these stupid things, thanks to my apathetic attitude in AP Calculus.
  • Payment of Fees - Thursday, May 12th - Before Patrick starts walkin', Daddy's wallet has to start talkin'.
  • Senior Awards Day - Friday, May 13th - Everyone is impressed with each other. Woot Woot. This is basically a thinly disguised opportunity for people like Katie and my Mother to cry one more time. We also pick up our caps and gowns after school on this day. That is actually worth celebrating.
  • Patrick's Eagle Court of Honor - Saturday, May 14th, 1 PM, Good Shepherd Family Life Center - You all are invited. Again, e-mail me for details. If you attend, you get to see me in a Boy Scout uniform and receive a free BBQ lunch . What more do you need?!
  • Baccalaureate - Sunday, May 15th - I get two of these-- my church-sponsored one, and the PTSA-sponsored one. Both in the same day. Phew.
  • Senior Banquet - Monday, May 16th - One last time for all of the Seniors to party together. Also, the long-awaited debut of the Senior Video. It makes for an entertaining evening.
  • GRADUATION - Friday, May 20th, 5:30 PM - Four years of memories, hard work, love, and close friendships-- all culminating in this one event. It is amazing the changes that lay ahead for all of the graduating seniors.
I apologize for the length of this post, but I felt it important that you understand the demand that will be placed on me for the next three weeks or so. Don't expect huge updates from me everyday, but make sure you check back once or twice a day just to see what I have put up. I might surprise you.

Also, if you are in the market for a Sony ECM-77B Electret Condenser Microphone or two, contact me. I have two I am looking to sell, or you can just check out my Ebay auction.


You lost 3,256,768 brain cells reading this entry.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Humongoid Picture Update.

As you can see, I just placed a buttload of pictures up on the site. Please look at them and leave comments and such for me. It would be greatly appreciated. Please leave your name also. Gracias!
Renee and Claire. Happy friends are here again!

Green Mountain.

I get more relaxed just by viewing this picture.
I am getting tired of flowers... Who knows what the hell these are?
Old Covered Bridge. What a view.
It's so green. I love it.
John. Patrick. Katie. Neat picture.
Julia - Happy. Katie - Disapproving. John - Melancholy.
Ha. Ha. Cleverness.
Claire and Renee. How sweet.
Flower One - Lily, oh Lily!
Flower Two - Weed, oh Weed!

Flowers Three.

Flower Three - Daisy, oh Daisy!

Myself and Katie at Outback.

Notice my wandering eye. We are SO mature!

The Three Basses.

Bobby. Me. Nick. Pimpin' Ain't Ee-zee.


Always a lady!
A view of Huntsville, AL like no other.

A Moment of Splendor.

Anna, Meg (my date), and Heather.
View of the Byrne's pool on Monte Sano. Amazing lighting in the background, view full size.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

The many faces of Nick Ritter.
EB and John. How cute.
Bobby is appalled at Desta.
Friggin' laser beams.
Bad-A Dukes.
Acoustic Patrick.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Big Spring Park. Very relaxing.
Jeremy. Graham. Dylan. Sweet Aubrey.
John's wise words of wisdom. (...alliteration and redundancy go hand in hand...)
John. 80's Hair-Rocker Style.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Papa Ge is coming back.

This is yours truly, decked out in full stage make-up and the accompanying headdress. This image is slighty photoshopped, also.

Friday, April 08, 2005

I wanna show you my ninny...

katieHickey05: o dear god.. i just experienced something very very strange.......
strategery3: what
strategery3: A GHOST?!
katieHickey05: my grandmother just busted up in the bathroom while i was washing my face and said " i wanna show you my ninny".. i was like uhh.. ok.. and she showed me where they took her boob off.... AND MADE ME FEEL IT.
katieHickey05: I feel violated.
strategery3: hahahahahahahahahaha
katieHickey05: grandmother also had to false teeth out so she was very scary looking.
katieHickey05: PATRICK ..................................... MY FAMILY IS INSANE.

She sure has me convinced.

Who in the world calls a boob a ninny?

Once On This Island

Yesterday moved along at a hellacious pace that left me in its dust, and I never caught up until the beginning of the 2nd Act. After school was over, I ventured to Mr. Harris's room to discuss with him the finer points of my make-up design. He has conjured up this amazing vision of some killer Maori tattoo that he wants put onto my face. The complexity of the original design was impressive. We enlisted the help of Talmadge Hiram Quillin's wife to aid in the inaugural application, and decided to document the entire process with a digital camera so I would have no problem re-applying the make-up myself for every show. I told her I was going home to shave and grab the camera, and that I would be back in a hour. After an adventurous ride home, during which I almost fell asleep three times, I arrived home and allowed myself 15 second of leisure to sit down with my dog. I woke up 45 minutes later. I arrived at Lee at 5:40, instead of 4:30 as originally planned, and we eventually got my make-up done, going through about 4 different designs. The worst part was that, instead of taking off the previous rejected design and then applying the new one, we just put the new one over the old one. I ended up with about 2 1/2 inches of gold gunk on my face. All that make-up was completely distracting and got onto EVERYTHING I was near. I was lucky enough to remove about an inch of it during intermission, and I was much more comfortable during the 2nd Act. I also was severely dehydrated during the 1st Act, so I downed four bottles of water during intermission, also. The entire cast rebounded from a horrible opening to the show with a fairly decent 2nd Act. It instilled hope in us all. Thats about it. World's longest paragraph.

PLEASE COME SEE THE SHOW! It would mean an awful lot to me and rest of the cast. I can promise you an amazing show. The make-up, costumes, and talent of a Lee High show are unparalleled in the State of Alabama and the Southeast. It will be worth your ten or twelve dollars to support our program. Dates for the show are April 8-9 and 14-16 at 7:30 PM, and also the 10th at 2:30 PM.

That's all for now. See you at the show.

Agwe (John) and Papa Ge (Myself)

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Hell Week.

I have not updated my loyal readers of my happenings in almost a week, so I deem it necessary to provide one for my public. I have been consumed by the powers of Lee Lyric Theater, swallowed in a schedule that is ridiculously demanding, a bizarre schedule evidenced by the time I am posting this entry at. I really do need to go to sleep now... but I leave you with this, the best non-photo rendering I can give you of myself in full costume. Enjoy.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Toot my horn.

I know you are all proud. My teeth look amazingly white... and I have a slight AZN look to me. Other than that, I totally am happy with it.

Today was a good day. I found it interesting that I managed to survive the entire day with just one short nap in AP Calculus, after not retiring to my bed until around 2:00 AM. I haven't gone to bed before 2 for the past 3 nights, and my 6:30 AM wake up call has left me drained. Note to self: Get some sleep this weekend. Four hours or less each night is not going to cut it.

In other news, Katie and Julia effectively broke my iPod yesterday. They turned it off, and couldn't wake it up again-- the touch wheel and all the buttons just didn't feel like working, apparently. The "hold" wasn't on, either... I checked. Luckily for those two, it was summoned back to life when I hooked it up to the charger at my house. It still had half a charge left, so it wasn't the battery, either. If any more stuff like this happens, I am sending off for a new one. My only other complaint is that the photo-viewing flashware could use a zoom and re-name function to aid with organization efforts. In all other regards, I am perfectly pleased with its performance. Feel free to stop by my house at any time with your music and give me good music to put on it. I've only got like... 22 GBs left, so get it in soon. Ha.

April is a ticking time-bomb, like my stomach after drinking a glass of month old milk. Hell week for the show, two weekends of shows, followed by Huntsville's prom with a certain Meg Ingram, and then my own prom with a certain Jessica Grace Taylor. April will be hott. The show and prom will be especially hott.

An Eevnftul Few Dyas...

Tonight-- abridged version. 3.. 2... 1... GO! Soccer game tonight. Patrick's debut. Played well. Not perfect. Bobby was impressed. Good smarts and sight. Too fat for soccer still. Looking forward to the next game.

The show is going well, although I have expressed concern, both vocally and not, at the ability of a few inexperienced (and questionably cast) members of this show to actually hold an audience member's attention while on stage. A few of these people seem to have no skeletal system, no concept of body tension or facial expression, and couldn't do a step-drag if their mother's life depended on it. Nevertheless, this show is going to be amazing, and I will be amazing, and my costume will be amazing, and everything onstage the same time as me will be amazing. I will make sure of it. If you share the light with me at any time during this production and feel that you aren't living up to the title of "amazing," please approach me or someone that actually knows what they are doing and demand immediate assistance from them. It will be much easier to do this, than for one of us to call you out. I am loud, and I know for damn sure that John and Viv are loud also. Make this easy for yourself. However, I am preaching to the choir... every reader of this blog that I am aware of isn't having a problem. Maybe I should print this out and post it in the choir room. I suppose not, that would be less than tactful, and OF COURSE, below me.

School is going well, with the exception of AP Calculus. The concepts aren't at all difficult, but my lack of discipline in the class showed last 9 weeks with an impressive 69. Way to go, FG. I made a resolution to my parents to improve this pitiful situation, and of course, where do I find myself? The exact same place--very little homework done, and me composing a post on my 10-reader-blog. Oh well... I will graduate, regardless of what happens in that class. I will get higher than an 80 on the exam, guaranteed.

Moving on, I have realized how very little time I have left in high school. I find this revelation exciting-- this summer has incomprehensible potential. The prospect of an undetermined senior trip, two weeks of camp, possible trip to Wakarusa, and a large amount of time spent on the water at Lake Guntersville gets my juices flowing in all the right places. This summer shall be glorious, filled with adrenaline and love-making. Mostly adrenaline. OK. All adrenaline, most likely no love-making. Those interested in love-making, leave your e-mail in a comment and I will contact you with details about the required preliminary weigh-in. My perverse excuse for humor makes me sick. I apologize. [I am lying. Screw you.]


Well, my fans demand a published entry, and I shall do my best to please them. Enjoy your evening, and have a wonderful Friday. I love you all.

...Pictures are coming...

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Credit card. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Caleb on the left. Myself on the right. Posted by Hello

my proudest collage. Posted by Hello

I Love Scotch.

Bad weather is associated with the onset of spring break in Huntsville. This fact is frustrating. Thunderstorms in the morning and overcast afternoons equate to severely reduced odds of Patrick having fun. The fact that my loosely chaperoned trip to the lakehouse was canceled by the parental units does nothing to improve my situation. They were apparently perturbed with my 69 in AP Calculus this past 9 weeks and decided I needed a bit of a wake-up call. My argument against their decision: 4 years of full tuition and $2500 a year. I've had the exact same habits in my schoolwork since I started the miseducational process, and my parents find it necessary to reprimand me in the final stretch, with the seductive scent of graduation flirting in my nostrils. This does nothing but stir my desire for teenage rebellion. Feel free to suggest any outlets for this mania.

This past weekend has been very emotional, for various reasons. Let it be known that my visit to Florence was both outrageously enjoyable and very eventful. You may be asking yourself, "Why did you travel all the way to Florence, AL, when Huntsville, although admittedly very uninteresting and blah, is still much more exciting than the entire Shoals area in general?" Let me answer your question. Two of my dearest friends, Jessica and Ali, reside in the area, and both are members of Stardust Club, a sorority at Florence High School. This past summer at Camp Sumatanga, Ali, in her age-defying wisdom, made the decision to ask me to their annual Leadout and I graciously accepted. Throughout the year, as the date of the event drew nigh, the excitement grew exponentially until the glorious orgasm of fun this past weekend. Let me tell you, kids... Ali-- She was stunning. With the exception of Jessica's minor hair crisis, the evening was perfect, and I am grateful to Ali for asking me and I hope she enjoyed herself as much as I did. As soon as I procure some digital imagery from the momentous occasion, I will post them for your enjoyment.

However, SOMEONE was annoyed with the joyous symphonic composition of my weekend and decided to poison the final movement with a glass of Sturm and Drang Juice. My departure from Florence had already forced my spirits into treading water in the Oceans of Melancholy, but the flashing lights of a state trooper's patrol car gave me cement slippers. 76 in a 60. Life is a bitch. That speeding ticket transformed all my happy harmonics into minor thirds. I've got until like June 10th to deal with it/pay it off. Anyways, my mood eventually improved, thanks to Caleb, Katie, Becca, Kevin, and the Family, and I have now resumed my Spring Break bliss.

...More Pictures Coming Soon...

Thursday, March 17, 2005

craziness. Posted by Hello

a new world for all.

This is the online face of a newer, more responsible Patrick Greene. A Patrick Greene with consistent, well thought-out posts and breath-taking imagery. Imagine the possibilites: a Patrick Greene with capitalization and GLORIOUS FULL COLOR! Out with the shoddy B&W excuse for a journal, and in with the new Technicolor Standard for Online Journal Perfection.

Monday, March 14, 2005

microphone check, one, two.